McClain World as of 1 June 2014
A website dedicated to tracing the lineage of James McLain and Sarah Reichart.
(with special rememberance to Kirby L. McClain III (click here), who began this effort and dearly loved being a McClain)
AS DOCUMENTED ON THEIR HEADSTONES -- there was a 'disagreement' of how to spell McClain.
Sarah Ann McLain Foust (1834-1906), David W. McLain (1838-1870), and Henry L. McLain (1841-1922) all spelled
their last name -- with the same spelling as that of their Father, Joseph A. McLain (1811-1873); with a capital ‘L’.
In contrast, Samuel B. McLaine (1843-1917) and Franklin P. McLaine 1853-1916) spelled their last name with an ‘e’ at the end.
While George W. McClain (1848-1927) and Jacob C. McClain (1855-1937), both spelled their last name with a capital ‘C’,
as in McClain World. Does the name-feud continue to this day? It depends upon who you ask.
(David + Henry = 13 kids, Samuel + Franklin = 11 kids, and George + Jacob = 12 kids)
Mouse-Click (tap) on the McLain / McLaine / McClain brother of your choice
in order to see pictures of their descendants!
Click here to return to main page of McClain World.
To contact the owner of the website, please email or call 281-380-2159.
Backup email contact is Need a volunteer to take over ownership of this
website in the next few years -- all source materials will be provided to new owner.
Updated March 31, 2014.